Let’s be honest, having a reaction to certain fabrics or experiencing allergies on your wedding day is FAR from ideal. Unfortunately, this can be a real issue for brides who have problems with certain fabrics! If this is a concern for you, here’s some advice for seeking out the perfect fabrics for your wedding gown:
Some people have allergies to certain fabrics, or they find certain fabrics irritating. People are often reacting to the chemicals on the fabric rather than the fabric itself. Many brides with sensitive skin can suffer from textile contact dermatitis, which causes redness, scaling, and itching. Women are more likely to suffer from it than men (lucky us).
If you have sensitive skin and are prone to contact dermatitis, select a dress made of natural fabrics such as linen, cotton, satin, or silk. You can expect to pay a bit more for the dress. In any case, the price is worth it unless you want to break out in red, itchy welts or rashes! We recommend steering clear of synthetic fabrics such as nylon, polyester, and rayon. These can irritate your skin even further.
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If you have concerns about your sensitive skin and want to make sure you find the best fabric for you, please let us know ahead of time when you book your appointment so we can make sure to provide you with only the best options!